University of Pennsylvania
Music Building
The renovation and expansion of the Music Building consolidates academic resources dispersed throughout the campus, revitalizes a 19th-century landmark, and provides a new center for faculty and students in the Department of Music.
The exterior of the original building is fully restored and its interior reconfigured for individual faculty studios. The addition is clad with a terracotta rainscreen system, extending the massing, materiality, rhythms, and proportions of the original building. It houses the most acoustically critical programs, including classrooms, recital rooms, practice rooms, and a computer lab/recording studio, as well as graduate student offices and a commons for all music students. The site is redesigned to accommodate a new campus pedestrian network and seating terraces for outdoor classes and campus gatherings.
University of Pennsylvania
Completed 2010, LEED Gold
Renovation | 11,000 GSF New Construction | 14,000 GSF
Classroom, Practice, Computer Lab, Recording, Office, Commons, Student Lounge
SCUP /AIA-CAE Excellence in Architecture Addition or Renovation Merit Award
BSA Citation Award for Design Excellence
Preservation Alliance Achievement Grand Jury Award
Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Award