Springfield Technical Community College
Building 19 Planning Study

Springfield Technical Community College (STCC) provides a diverse campus environment for 9,000 students, offering associate and certificate degrees. Its sixteen buildings were constructed between 1807 and 1989, thirteen of which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, including Building 19 constructed in four phases between 1846 and 1863 as a munitions storehouse for the Springfield National Armory. The Planning Study evaluates opportunities for renovating Building 19 as a new campus center for the College, consolidating student services dispersed throughout the campus, a library, bookstore, café, health and wellness center, and student community spaces.

Guided by extensive inquiry and goal setting with DCAMM, 28 STCC stakeholder groups, student representatives, and the National Park Service, multiple planning scenarios for the 764’ long building were considered. The Planning Study proposes a conceptual design that organizes the building’s interior in four fully accessible connected parts: Enrollment Center, Advising Center, Student Life Center, and Learning Commons, each with a dedicated exterior entrance. Site recommendations include storm water management, raised pedestrian crosswalks designed to calm vehicular traffic, shaded outdoor seating areas, and changes to the pedestrian walkway network that improve overall campus wayfinding. A sustainability checklist targets LEED Silver.

Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) Springfield Technical Community College (STCC)
Completed 2018
Project Size
Building | 100,000 GSF, Site | 5 acres
Student Services, Student Life, Learning Commons
Ann Beha Architects, now Annum Architects
Project Team
Philip Chen AIA, Robert Carroll AIA, Jackie Flanigan AIA, Ric Panciera AIA, Rita Terjeki AIA, George Faber, Ian Ford (ABA/Annum); Altieri (MEP); RSE (Structural); Nitsch Engineering (Civil); The Green Engineer (Sustainability); Jensen Hughes (Code); Sladen Feinstein Integrated Lighting (Lighting); IBI (Landscape); Public Archaeology Laboratory (Archaeology); Jaffe Holden (Acoustics); Structures North (Wood Framing); Preservation Technology Associates (Masonry)